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I3T - An Interactive Tool for Teaching Transformations

I3T, The Interactive Tool for Teaching Transformations is an educational application which enables the study of 3D transformations and their hierarchy in an illustrative way. This tool is being developped at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, FEE, CTU in Prague.

We presented the first version of the tool at the Eurographics 2018 conference (Petr Felkel, Alejandra Magana, Michal Folta, Alexa Gabrielle Sears, Bedrich Benes: I3T: Using Interactive Computer Graphics to Teach Geometric Transformations).

This is the second version, completely rewritten, with better code design and new functionality.

I3T is the result of the work of bachelor's and master's students at three parts of the Czech Technical University in Prague: - The Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, - The Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, - The Faculty of Information Technology.

The first version was created by Michal Folta in 2018.

What can you learn using I3T

Geometric transformations play an important role in a vast variety of disciplines. The main idea behind I3T is that using interactive 3D computer graphics to visualize the transformations has its learning benefit.

I3T contains all the transformations that are commonly used in any computer graphics program. From simple modelling transformations such as translation, rotation and scale, to more complex and harder for students to understand transformations such as lookAt and ortho and perspective projection. Students connect the transformations together to create a scene graph.

In I3T, a student can create a scene that he or she has seen in a book. To support learning, I3T offers prepared scenes demonstrating typical tasks and tutorials, short lectures demonstrating transformations in practice, step by step. But the main strength of I3T is its interactivity. All parameter values can be interactively manipulated and we can instantly see the result of their application on 3D models.

Variants of I3T use

  • If you want to learn how to use geometric transformations, download the translated program.
  • If you are interested in how the program is made, download the source code.
  • If you'd like to add something to the program yourself or would like to get involved in its further development, make a fork on github and go ahead.

If you find a bug, or have an idea for improvement, drop us a note, preferably in the form of an issue.