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The node editor object In ancestor of this object you will probably store your nodes (links, pins) It store inter-object interactions Every DiwneObject has reference to this object.

#include "DIWNE/diwne.h"

Inherits from DIWNE::DiwneObject, std::enable_shared_from_this< DiwneObject >

Inherited by Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne

Public Functions

Diwne(DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne)<br>Default constructor.
virtual~Diwne()<br>Default destructor.
voidAddBezierCurveDiwne(const ImVec2 & p1, const ImVec2 & p2, const ImVec2 & p3, const ImVec2 & p4, ImVec4 col, float thickness, int num_segments =0) const<br>Draw Bezier (not Bezier really) curve to window ImDrawList.
voidAddRectDiwne(const ImVec2 & p_min, const ImVec2 & p_max, ImVec4 col, float rounding =0.0f, ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll, float thickness =1.0f) const<br>Draw rectangle to window ImDrawlist.
voidAddRectFilledDiwne(const ImVec2 & p_min, const ImVec2 & p_max, ImVec4 col, float rounding =0.0f, ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll) const<br>Draw filled rectangle to window ImDrawlist.
virtual boolafterContentDiwne() override
virtual boolafterEndDiwne() override
virtual boolallowDrawing() override<br>Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example)
virtual boolallowProcessFocused()
virtual boolallowProcessSelectionRectangle()
virtual boolallowProcessZoom()
boolapplyZoomScaling()<br>Modifies the current ImGuiStyle and Font depending on the current diwne zoom level.
floatapplyZoomScalingToFont(ImFont * font, ImFont * largeFont =nullptr)<br>Modifies the current Font depending on the current diwne zoom level.
virtual boolbeforeBeginDiwne() override
virtual voidbegin() override
virtual ImVec2bypassDiwneGetPopupNewPositionAction()
virtual ImVec2bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize()
virtual ImVec2bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition()
virtual boolbypassDiwneSetPopupPositionAction()
virtual ImVec2bypassGetMouseDelta()
virtual ImVec2bypassGetMouseDragDelta0()
virtual ImVec2bypassGetMouseDragDelta1()
virtual ImVec2bypassGetMouseDragDelta2()
virtual ImVec2bypassGetMousePos()
virtual floatbypassGetMouseWheel()
virtual floatbypassGetZoomDelta()
virtual boolbypassIsItemActive()
virtual boolbypassIsItemClicked0()
virtual boolbypassIsItemClicked1()
virtual boolbypassIsItemClicked2()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseClicked0()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseClicked1()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseClicked2()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDown0()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDown1()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDown2()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDragging0()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDragging1()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseDragging2()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseReleased0()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseReleased1()
virtual boolbypassIsMouseReleased2()
virtual ImVec2bypassMouseClickedPos0()
virtual ImVec2bypassMouseClickedPos1()
virtual ImVec2bypassMouseClickedPos2()
virtual boolbypassSelectionRectangleAction()
virtual boolbypassZoomAction()
virtual voidclear()<br>Clear all nodes from the node editor.
ImVec2diwne2screen(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2diwne2screen_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2diwne2workArea(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2diwne2workArea_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const
voidDrawIcon(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, DIWNE::IconType fgIconType, ImColor fgShapeColor, ImColor fgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const<br>Draw an Icon combined from two parts (foreground and background) to the window ImDrawList filled with a ShapeColor.
voidDrawIconCircle(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const<br>Draw a circle icon.
voidDrawIconCross(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float shapeThickness =2, float innerThickness =1) const
voidDrawIconFastForward(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconGrabDownLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconGrabDownRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconHyphen(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =3.0f) const
voidDrawIconPause(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const
voidDrawIconRectangle(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const
voidDrawIconRewind(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconSkipBack(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconSkipBack2(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconSkipForward(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconSkipForward2(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconTriangleDownLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconTriangleDownRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconTriangleLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidDrawIconTriangleRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const
voidEmptyButton(ImVec2 size, ImColor color, float rounding)<br>Just the shape of the button, no interaction.
virtual voidend() override
boolensureZoomScaling(bool active)<br>Ensure that zoom scaling is active or not based on a passed parameter.
virtual boolfinalizeDiwne() override
DiwneActiongetDiwneAction() const
DiwneActiongetDiwneActionActive() const
DiwneActiongetDiwneActionPreviousFrame() const
virtual DIWNE::DiwneActiongetDragActionType() const
DIWNE::Link &getHelperLink()
virtual DIWNE::DiwneActiongetHoldActionType() const
template <typename T &gt; <br>std::shared_ptr< T >getLastActiveNode()
template <typename T &gt; <br>std::shared_ptr< T >getLastActivePin()
ImVec2 const &getPopupPosition() const
virtual ImRectgetRectDiwne() const override
virtual DIWNE::DiwneActiongetTouchActionType() const
ImRectgetWorkAreaDiwne() const<br>Update position and size of work area on screen and on diwne.
ImRectgetWorkAreaScreen() const
floatgetWorkAreaZoom() const
boolIconButton(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, DIWNE::IconType fgIconType, ImColor fgShapeColor, ImColor fgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, std::string const id) const
boolIconButton(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, std::string const id) const
virtual boolinitializeDiwne() override
virtual boolprocessDiwneSelectionRectangle()
virtual boolprocessDiwneZoom()
virtual boolprocessDrag() override
virtual boolprocessInteractions() override
virtual boolprocessInteractionsDiwne() override
virtual boolprocessZoom()
boolrestoreZoomScaling()<br>Restores the current ImGuiStyle and Font back to its state before applyZoomScaling() was last called.
voidrestoreZoomScalingToFont(ImFont * font, float originalScale)
ImVec2screen2diwne(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2screen2diwne_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2screen2workArea(const ImVec2 & point) const
voidsetDiwneAction(DiwneAction action)
template <typename T &gt; <br>voidsetLastActiveNode(std::shared_ptr< T > node)
template <typename T &gt; <br>voidsetLastActivePin(std::shared_ptr< T > pin)
voidsetNodesSelectionChanged(bool value)
voidsetPopupPosition(ImVec2 position)
voidsetWorkAreaDiwne(ImRect rect)
virtual voidsetWorkAreaZoom(float val =1)
ImVec2transformFromDiwneToImGui(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec4transformFromDiwneToImGui(const ImVec4 & point) const
ImVec2transformFromImGuiToDiwne(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec4transformFromImGuiToDiwne(const ImVec4 & point) const
voidtranslateWorkAreaDiwne(ImVec2 const & distance)
voidtranslateWorkAreaDiwneZoomed(ImVec2 const & distance)
ImVec2workArea2diwne(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2workArea2diwne_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const
ImVec2workArea2screen(const ImVec2 & point) const

Public Attributes

boolm_allowUnselectingNodes <br>for example when holding ctrl nodes not going unselected when sleection rect get out of them
boolm_objectFocused <br>only one object can be focused
boolm_popupDrawn <br>not draw popup two times
boolm_tooltipDrawn <br>not draw tooltip two times
DIWNE::SettingsDiwne *mp_settingsDiwne

Protected Attributes

ImDrawListSplitterm_splitter <br>Every nodes should be draw to its own channel.
ImRectm_workAreaDiwne <br>Rectangle of work area on diwne.
ImRectm_workAreaScreen <br>Rectangle of work area on screen.
floatm_workAreaZoom <br>Workspace zoom factor.
floatm_zoomOriginalFontScale <br>For restore value after this window is done.
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Node >mp_lastActiveNode
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Pin >mp_lastActivePin

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject

DiwneObject(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne)<br>Constructor.
virtual~DiwneObject() =default
virtual boolafterContent()
virtual boolafterEnd()
virtual boolallowInteraction()<br>Decision maker whether object can interact (not include content elements)
virtual boolallowProcessDrag()
virtual boolallowProcessFocusedForInteraction()
virtual boolallowProcessHold()
virtual boolallowProcessRaisePopup()
virtual boolallowProcessSelect()
virtual boolallowProcessUnhold()
virtual boolallowProcessUnselect()
virtual boolbeforeBegin()
virtual boolbeforeContent()
virtual boolbeforeContentDiwne()
virtual boolbypassDragAction()
virtual boolbypassFocusAction()
virtual boolbypassFocusForInteractionAction()
virtual boolbypassHoldAction()
virtual boolbypassRaisePopupAction()
virtual boolbypassSelectAction()
virtual boolbypassTouchAction()
virtual boolbypassUnholdAction()
virtual boolbypassUnselectAction()
virtual boolcontent()
virtual boolcontentDiwne()
virtual booldrawDiwne(DrawMode drawMode =DrawMode::Interacting)<br>Main function for drawing object and deal with interactions.
virtual boolfinalize()
DIWNE::ID constgetIdDiwne() const
virtual boolgetSelectable()
virtual boolgetSelected() const<br>Getter of selection state.
virtual boolinitialize()
virtual boolinteractionBeginInLastDraw()
virtual boolinteractionEndInLastDraw()
virtual voidpopupContent()<br>Content of popup menu raise on this object.
virtual boolprocessFocused()
virtual boolprocessFocusedForInteraction()
virtual boolprocessHold()
virtual boolprocessInteractionsAlways()
virtual boolprocessRaisePopupDiwne()
virtual boolprocessSelect()
virtual boolprocessShowPopupDiwne()
virtual boolprocessUnhold()
virtual boolprocessUnselect()
virtual voidsetSelectable(bool const selectable)
virtual boolsetSelected(bool const selected)
voidshowTooltipLabel(std::string const & label, ImColor const && color)<br>Show a colored text for example for immediate hints.
virtual voidupdateSizes()

Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject

DIWNE::Diwne &diwne
DIWNE::ID constm_idDiwne
std::string constm_labelDiwne
std::string constm_popupIDDiwne

Public Functions Documentation

function Diwne

    DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne
    DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne

Default constructor.

function ~Diwne

virtual ~Diwne()
virtual ~Diwne()

Default destructor.

function AddBezierCurveDiwne

void AddBezierCurveDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p1,
    const ImVec2 & p2,
    const ImVec2 & p3,
    const ImVec2 & p4,
    ImVec4 col,
    float thickness,
    int num_segments =0
) const
void AddBezierCurveDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p1,
    const ImVec2 & p2,
    const ImVec2 & p3,
    const ImVec2 & p4,
    ImVec4 col,
    float thickness,
    int num_segments =0
) const

Draw Bezier (not Bezier really) curve to window ImDrawList.


  • p1 const ImVec2& start point in diwne coords
  • p2 const ImVec2& start control point in diwne coords
  • p3 const ImVec2& end control point in diwne coords
  • p4 const ImVec2& end point in diwne coords
  • col ImVec4
  • thickness float
  • 0 int num_segments with zero ImGui use some optimal? value

Return: void

function AddRectDiwne

void AddRectDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p_min,
    const ImVec2 & p_max,
    ImVec4 col,
    float rounding =0.0f,
    ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll,
    float thickness =1.0f
) const
void AddRectDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p_min,
    const ImVec2 & p_max,
    ImVec4 col,
    float rounding =0.0f,
    ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll,
    float thickness =1.0f
) const

Draw rectangle to window ImDrawlist.

See: AddRectFilledDiwne

function AddRectFilledDiwne

void AddRectFilledDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p_min,
    const ImVec2 & p_max,
    ImVec4 col,
    float rounding =0.0f,
    ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll
) const
void AddRectFilledDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & p_min,
    const ImVec2 & p_max,
    ImVec4 col,
    float rounding =0.0f,
    ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll
) const

Draw filled rectangle to window ImDrawlist.

 \param p_min const ImVec2& in diwne coords
 \param p_max const ImVec2& in diwne coords
 \param col ImVec4
 \param 0.0f float rounding
 \param ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll ImDrawFlags rounding_corners
 \return void
 \param p_min const ImVec2& in diwne coords
 \param p_max const ImVec2& in diwne coords
 \param col ImVec4
 \param 0.0f float rounding
 \param ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll ImDrawFlags rounding_corners
 \return void

function afterContentDiwne

virtual bool afterContentDiwne() override
virtual bool afterContentDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::afterContentDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function afterEndDiwne

virtual bool afterEndDiwne() override
virtual bool afterEndDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::afterEndDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function allowDrawing

virtual bool allowDrawing() override
virtual bool allowDrawing() override

Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example)

Return: draw object on its position?

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::allowDrawing

function allowProcessFocused

virtual bool allowProcessFocused()
virtual bool allowProcessFocused()

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::allowProcessFocused

function allowProcessSelectionRectangle

virtual bool allowProcessSelectionRectangle()
virtual bool allowProcessSelectionRectangle()

function allowProcessZoom

virtual bool allowProcessZoom()
virtual bool allowProcessZoom()

function applyZoomScaling

bool applyZoomScaling()
bool applyZoomScaling()

Modifies the current ImGuiStyle and Font depending on the current diwne zoom level.

Return: Whether zoom scaling was active before making this call


function applyZoomScalingToFont

float applyZoomScalingToFont(
    ImFont * font,
    ImFont * largeFont =nullptr
float applyZoomScalingToFont(
    ImFont * font,
    ImFont * largeFont =nullptr

Modifies the current Font depending on the current diwne zoom level.

Return: Whether zoom scaling was active before making this call

function beforeBeginDiwne

virtual bool beforeBeginDiwne() override
virtual bool beforeBeginDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::beforeBeginDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function begin

virtual void begin() override
virtual void begin() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::begin

begin of object

function blockRaisePopup

bool blockRaisePopup()
bool blockRaisePopup()

sometimes we do not want to raise popup - here specify it ( now it is when selecting action run )

function bypassDiwneGetPopupNewPositionAction

virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetPopupNewPositionAction()
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetPopupNewPositionAction()

function bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize

virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize()
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize()

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize

function bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition

virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition()
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition()

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition

function bypassDiwneSetPopupPositionAction

virtual bool bypassDiwneSetPopupPositionAction()
virtual bool bypassDiwneSetPopupPositionAction()

function bypassGetMouseDelta

virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDelta()
virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDelta()

function bypassGetMouseDragDelta0

virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta0()
virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta0()

function bypassGetMouseDragDelta1

virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta1()
virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta1()

function bypassGetMouseDragDelta2

virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta2()
virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMouseDragDelta2()

function bypassGetMousePos

virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMousePos()
virtual ImVec2 bypassGetMousePos()

function bypassGetMouseWheel

virtual float bypassGetMouseWheel()
virtual float bypassGetMouseWheel()

function bypassGetZoomDelta

virtual float bypassGetZoomDelta()
virtual float bypassGetZoomDelta()

function bypassIsItemActive

virtual bool bypassIsItemActive()
virtual bool bypassIsItemActive()

function bypassIsItemClicked0

virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked0()
virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked0()

function bypassIsItemClicked1

virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked1()
virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked1()

function bypassIsItemClicked2

virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked2()
virtual bool bypassIsItemClicked2()

function bypassIsMouseClicked0

virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked0()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked0()

function bypassIsMouseClicked1

virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked1()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked1()

function bypassIsMouseClicked2

virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked2()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseClicked2()

function bypassIsMouseDown0

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown0()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown0()

function bypassIsMouseDown1

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown1()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown1()

function bypassIsMouseDown2

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown2()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDown2()

function bypassIsMouseDragging0

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging0()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging0()

function bypassIsMouseDragging1

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging1()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging1()

function bypassIsMouseDragging2

virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging2()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseDragging2()

function bypassIsMouseReleased0

virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased0()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased0()

function bypassIsMouseReleased1

virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased1()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased1()

function bypassIsMouseReleased2

virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased2()
virtual bool bypassIsMouseReleased2()

function bypassMouseClickedPos0

virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos0()
virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos0()

function bypassMouseClickedPos1

virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos1()
virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos1()

function bypassMouseClickedPos2

virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos2()
virtual ImVec2 bypassMouseClickedPos2()

function bypassSelectionRectangleAction

virtual bool bypassSelectionRectangleAction()
virtual bool bypassSelectionRectangleAction()

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::bypassSelectionRectangleAction

function bypassZoomAction

virtual bool bypassZoomAction()
virtual bool bypassZoomAction()

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::bypassZoomAction

function clear

virtual void clear()
virtual void clear()

Clear all nodes from the node editor.

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::clear

function diwne2screen

ImVec2 diwne2screen(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 diwne2screen(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function diwne2screen_noZoom

ImVec2 diwne2screen_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 diwne2screen_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function diwne2workArea

ImVec2 diwne2workArea(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 diwne2workArea(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function diwne2workArea_noZoom

ImVec2 diwne2workArea_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 diwne2workArea_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function DrawIcon

void DrawIcon(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    DIWNE::IconType fgIconType,
    ImColor fgShapeColor,
    ImColor fgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const
void DrawIcon(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    DIWNE::IconType fgIconType,
    ImColor fgShapeColor,
    ImColor fgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const

Draw an Icon combined from two parts (foreground and background) to the window ImDrawList filled with a ShapeColor.


  • bgIconType background shape (typically a Rectangle)

  • bgShapeColor color of the background shape (or a border color if not filled)

  • bgInnerColor color of the background shape interior if filled == false

  • fgIconType foreground shape (typically a Triangle or Cross)

  • fgShapeColor color of the foreground shape if filled == false

  • fgInnerColor color of foreground shape interior if filled == false

  • size of the icon in screen coordinates

  • padding of the fg shape (left, bottom, right, top)

  • filled means

  • true fill both shapes with their ShapeColor

  • false draw both shapes with a ShapeColor border and fill them with InnerColor

Return: void

When filled == true, both shapes have a border. Then, the border color is the ShapeColor and the shape is filled with the InnerColor

function DrawIconCircle

void DrawIconCircle(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconCircle(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

Draw a circle icon.


  • idl ImDrawList* where to draw
  • shapeColor color of the whole shape (border line if not filled)
  • innerColor color of the inner part (middle) of shape
  • topLeft position of the icon in screen coords
  • bottomRight of the icon in screen coords
  • filled false means use the InnerColor in the foreground Shape
  • thickness of the border for zoomFactor = 1.0

function DrawIconCross

void DrawIconCross(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float shapeThickness =2,
    float innerThickness =1
) const
void DrawIconCross(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float shapeThickness =2,
    float innerThickness =1
) const

function DrawIconFastForward

void DrawIconFastForward(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconFastForward(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconGrabDownLeft

void DrawIconGrabDownLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconGrabDownLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconGrabDownRight

void DrawIconGrabDownRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconGrabDownRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconHyphen

void DrawIconHyphen(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =3.0f
) const
void DrawIconHyphen(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =3.0f
) const

function DrawIconPause

void DrawIconPause(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const
void DrawIconPause(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const

function DrawIconRectangle

void DrawIconRectangle(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const
void DrawIconRectangle(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1),
    float rounding =0
) const

function DrawIconRewind

void DrawIconRewind(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconRewind(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconSkipBack

void DrawIconSkipBack(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconSkipBack(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconSkipBack2

void DrawIconSkipBack2(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconSkipBack2(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconSkipForward

void DrawIconSkipForward(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconSkipForward(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconSkipForward2

void DrawIconSkipForward2(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconSkipForward2(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconTriangleDownLeft

void DrawIconTriangleDownLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconTriangleDownLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconTriangleDownRight

void DrawIconTriangleDownRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconTriangleDownRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconTriangleLeft

void DrawIconTriangleLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconTriangleLeft(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function DrawIconTriangleRight

void DrawIconTriangleRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const
void DrawIconTriangleRight(
    ImDrawList * idl,
    ImColor shapeColor,
    ImColor innerColor,
    ImVec2 topLeft,
    ImVec2 bottomRight,
    bool filled,
    float thickness =1
) const

function EmptyButton

void EmptyButton(
    ImVec2 size,
    ImColor color,
    float rounding
void EmptyButton(
    ImVec2 size,
    ImColor color,
    float rounding

Just the shape of the button, no interaction.


  • size
  • color
  • rounding

function end

virtual void end() override
virtual void end() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::end

closing object

function ensureZoomScaling

bool ensureZoomScaling(
    bool active
bool ensureZoomScaling(
    bool active

Ensure that zoom scaling is active or not based on a passed parameter.

Return: Whether zoom scaling was active before making this call, can be later passed to this method again to restore original state

function finalizeDiwne

virtual bool finalizeDiwne() override
virtual bool finalizeDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::finalizeDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function getDiwneAction

inline DiwneAction getDiwneAction() const
inline DiwneAction getDiwneAction() const

function getDiwneActionActive

DiwneAction getDiwneActionActive() const
DiwneAction getDiwneActionActive() const

function getDiwneActionPreviousFrame

inline DiwneAction getDiwneActionPreviousFrame() const
inline DiwneAction getDiwneActionPreviousFrame() const

function getDragActionType

inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getDragActionType() const
inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getDragActionType() const

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::getDragActionType

return which type of object/action this object is

inline DIWNE::Link & getHelperLink()
inline DIWNE::Link & getHelperLink()

function getHoldActionType

inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getHoldActionType() const
inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getHoldActionType() const

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::getHoldActionType

return which type of object/action this object is

function getLastActiveNode

template <typename T >
inline std::shared_ptr< T > getLastActiveNode()
template <typename T >
inline std::shared_ptr< T > getLastActiveNode()

function getLastActivePin

template <typename T >
inline std::shared_ptr< T > getLastActivePin()
template <typename T >
inline std::shared_ptr< T > getLastActivePin()

function getNodesSelectionChanged

inline bool getNodesSelectionChanged()
inline bool getNodesSelectionChanged()

function getPopupPosition

inline ImVec2 const & getPopupPosition() const
inline ImVec2 const & getPopupPosition() const

function getRectDiwne

inline virtual ImRect getRectDiwne() const override
inline virtual ImRect getRectDiwne() const override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::getRectDiwne

return rectangle of object

function getSelectionRectangleDiwne

ImRect getSelectionRectangleDiwne()
ImRect getSelectionRectangleDiwne()

function getTouchActionType

inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getTouchActionType() const
inline virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction getTouchActionType() const

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::getTouchActionType

return which type of object/action this object is

function getWorkAreaDiwne

inline ImRect getWorkAreaDiwne() const
inline ImRect getWorkAreaDiwne() const

Update position and size of work area on screen and on diwne.

function getWorkAreaScreen

inline ImRect getWorkAreaScreen() const
inline ImRect getWorkAreaScreen() const

function getWorkAreaZoom

inline float getWorkAreaZoom() const
inline float getWorkAreaZoom() const

function IconButton

bool IconButton(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    DIWNE::IconType fgIconType,
    ImColor fgShapeColor,
    ImColor fgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    std::string const id
) const
bool IconButton(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    DIWNE::IconType fgIconType,
    ImColor fgShapeColor,
    ImColor fgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    std::string const id
) const

See: DrawIcon()

Return: true if interaction with button happen, false otherwise

Add ImGui Button with icon on it

function IconButton

bool IconButton(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    std::string const id
) const
bool IconButton(
    DIWNE::IconType bgIconType,
    ImColor bgShapeColor,
    ImColor bgInnerColor,
    ImVec2 size,
    ImVec4 padding,
    bool filled,
    std::string const id
) const

See: DrawIcon()

Return: true if interaction with button happen, false otherwise

Add ImGui Button with icon on it

function initializeDiwne

virtual bool initializeDiwne() override
virtual bool initializeDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::initializeDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function processDiwneSelectionRectangle

virtual bool processDiwneSelectionRectangle()
virtual bool processDiwneSelectionRectangle()

function processDiwneZoom

virtual bool processDiwneZoom()
virtual bool processDiwneZoom()

function processDrag

virtual bool processDrag() override
virtual bool processDrag() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::processDrag

function processInteractions

virtual bool processInteractions() override
virtual bool processInteractions() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::processInteractions

react to interactions with this object

function processInteractionsDiwne

virtual bool processInteractionsDiwne() override
virtual bool processInteractionsDiwne() override

Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::processInteractionsDiwne

DIWNE wrapper

function processZoom

virtual bool processZoom()
virtual bool processZoom()

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::processZoom

function restoreZoomScaling

bool restoreZoomScaling()
bool restoreZoomScaling()

Restores the current ImGuiStyle and Font back to its state before applyZoomScaling() was last called.

Return: Whether zoom scaling was active before making this call

function restoreZoomScalingToFont

void restoreZoomScalingToFont(
    ImFont * font,
    float originalScale
void restoreZoomScalingToFont(
    ImFont * font,
    float originalScale

function screen2diwne

ImVec2 screen2diwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 screen2diwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function screen2diwne_noZoom

ImVec2 screen2diwne_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 screen2diwne_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function screen2workArea

ImVec2 screen2workArea(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 screen2workArea(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function setDiwneAction

inline void setDiwneAction(
    DiwneAction action
inline void setDiwneAction(
    DiwneAction action

function setLastActiveNode

template <typename T >
inline void setLastActiveNode(
    std::shared_ptr< T > node
template <typename T >
inline void setLastActiveNode(
    std::shared_ptr< T > node

function setLastActivePin

template <typename T >
inline void setLastActivePin(
    std::shared_ptr< T > pin
template <typename T >
inline void setLastActivePin(
    std::shared_ptr< T > pin

function setNodesSelectionChanged

inline void setNodesSelectionChanged(
    bool value
inline void setNodesSelectionChanged(
    bool value

function setPopupPosition

inline void setPopupPosition(
    ImVec2 position
inline void setPopupPosition(
    ImVec2 position

function setWorkAreaDiwne

inline void setWorkAreaDiwne(
    ImRect rect
inline void setWorkAreaDiwne(
    ImRect rect

function setWorkAreaZoom

virtual void setWorkAreaZoom(
    float val =1
virtual void setWorkAreaZoom(
    float val =1

Reimplemented by: Workspace::WorkspaceDiwne::setWorkAreaZoom

function transformFromDiwneToImGui

ImVec2 transformFromDiwneToImGui(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 transformFromDiwneToImGui(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function transformFromDiwneToImGui

ImVec4 transformFromDiwneToImGui(
    const ImVec4 & point
) const
ImVec4 transformFromDiwneToImGui(
    const ImVec4 & point
) const

function transformFromImGuiToDiwne

ImVec2 transformFromImGuiToDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 transformFromImGuiToDiwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function transformFromImGuiToDiwne

ImVec4 transformFromImGuiToDiwne(
    const ImVec4 & point
) const
ImVec4 transformFromImGuiToDiwne(
    const ImVec4 & point
) const

function translateWorkAreaDiwne

void translateWorkAreaDiwne(
    ImVec2 const & distance
void translateWorkAreaDiwne(
    ImVec2 const & distance

function translateWorkAreaDiwneZoomed

void translateWorkAreaDiwneZoomed(
    ImVec2 const & distance
void translateWorkAreaDiwneZoomed(
    ImVec2 const & distance

function updateWorkAreaRectangles

void updateWorkAreaRectangles()
void updateWorkAreaRectangles()

function workArea2diwne

ImVec2 workArea2diwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 workArea2diwne(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function workArea2diwne_noZoom

ImVec2 workArea2diwne_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 workArea2diwne_noZoom(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

function workArea2screen

ImVec2 workArea2screen(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const
ImVec2 workArea2screen(
    const ImVec2 & point
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable m_allowUnselectingNodes

bool m_allowUnselectingNodes;
bool m_allowUnselectingNodes;

for example when holding ctrl nodes not going unselected when sleection rect get out of them

variable m_diwneDebug

bool m_diwneDebug = false;
bool m_diwneDebug = false;

variable m_objectFocused

bool m_objectFocused;
bool m_objectFocused;

only one object can be focused

variable m_popupDrawn

bool m_popupDrawn;
bool m_popupDrawn;

not draw popup two times

Todo: maybe unused when every object is drawn just one time

variable m_takeSnap

bool m_takeSnap;
bool m_takeSnap;

variable m_tooltipDrawn

bool m_tooltipDrawn;
bool m_tooltipDrawn;

not draw tooltip two times

Todo: maybe unused when every object is drawn just one time

variable mp_settingsDiwne

DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * mp_settingsDiwne;
DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * mp_settingsDiwne;

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable m_diwneAction

DiwneAction m_diwneAction;
DiwneAction m_diwneAction;

variable m_diwneAction_previousFrame

DiwneAction m_diwneAction_previousFrame;
DiwneAction m_diwneAction_previousFrame;

variable m_drawing

bool m_drawing;
bool m_drawing;

< store whether ImGui window is ready to draw to it

DIWNE::Link m_helperLink;
DIWNE::Link m_helperLink;

for showing link that is in process of creating

variable m_nodesSelectionChanged

bool m_nodesSelectionChanged;
bool m_nodesSelectionChanged;

variable m_popupPosition

ImVec2 m_popupPosition;
ImVec2 m_popupPosition;

variable m_selectionRectangeDiwne

ImRect m_selectionRectangeDiwne;
ImRect m_selectionRectangeDiwne;

variable m_selectionRectangeFullColor

ImColor m_selectionRectangeFullColor;
ImColor m_selectionRectangeFullColor;

variable m_selectionRectangeTouchColor

ImColor m_selectionRectangeTouchColor;
ImColor m_selectionRectangeTouchColor;

variable m_splitter

ImDrawListSplitter m_splitter;
ImDrawListSplitter m_splitter;

Every nodes should be draw to its own channel.

variable m_workAreaDiwne

ImRect m_workAreaDiwne;
ImRect m_workAreaDiwne;

Rectangle of work area on diwne.

  • .Min is set by user, .Max is computed from m_workAreaScreen */

variable m_workAreaScreen

ImRect m_workAreaScreen;
ImRect m_workAreaScreen;

Rectangle of work area on screen.

variable m_workAreaZoom

float m_workAreaZoom;
float m_workAreaZoom;

Workspace zoom factor.

variable m_zoomOriginalFontScale

float m_zoomOriginalFontScale;
float m_zoomOriginalFontScale;

For restore value after this window is done.

variable m_zoomOriginalStyle

ImGuiStyle m_zoomOriginalStyle;
ImGuiStyle m_zoomOriginalStyle;

variable m_zoomScalingApplied

bool m_zoomScalingApplied = false;
bool m_zoomScalingApplied = false;

variable mp_lastActiveNode

std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Node > mp_lastActiveNode;
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Node > mp_lastActiveNode;

variable mp_lastActivePin

std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Pin > mp_lastActivePin;
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Pin > mp_lastActivePin;

Updated on 2025-01-23 at 08:58:55 +0000