#include "GUI/Workspace/Nodes/Basic/CorePins.h"
Inherits from Workspace::CorePin, DIWNE::Pin, DIWNE::DiwneObject, std::enable_shared_from_this< DiwneObject >
Inherited by Workspace::CoreInPinMatrixMultiply
Public Functions
Name | |
CoreInPin(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID const id, Core::Pin const & pin, CoreNode & node) | |
bool | allowCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction() |
bool | bypassCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction() |
bool | bypassUnplugAction() |
bool | connectionChanged() const |
virtual bool | content() override<br>Draw icon and label, if defined. |
virtual bool | drawDiwne(DIWNE::DrawMode drawMode =DIWNE::DrawMode::Interacting) override<br>Draw pin icon + label and register the connected wire. |
CoreLink & | getLink() |
bool | plug(CoreOutPin * ou, bool logEvent =true) |
virtual bool | processCreateAndPlugConstrutorNode() |
virtual bool | processInteractions() override |
bool | processUnplug() |
void | setConnectedWorkspaceOutput(CoreOutPin * ou) |
void | unplug(bool logEvent =true) |
virtual void | updateConnectionPointDiwne() override |
Protected Attributes
Name | |
bool | m_connectionChanged <br>Flag indicating that the pin has been plugged or unplugged this frame Note: This flag gets reset the moment the pin is drawn, which is kinda dumb, don't rely on this too much, it is currently used for a rather specific purpose. |
CoreLink | m_link |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from Workspace::CorePin
Name | |
CorePin(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID const id, Core::Pin const & pin, CoreNode & node) | |
virtual bool | bypassFocusForInteractionAction() override |
Core::Pin const & | getCorePin() const |
int | getIndex() const |
PinKind | getKind() const |
CoreNode & | getNode() |
const CoreNode & | getNode() const |
Core::EValueType | getType() const |
bool | isConnected() const |
virtual void | popupContent() override<br>Content of popup menu raise on this object. |
virtual bool | processConnectionPrepared() override |
virtual bool | processDrag() override |
Public Attributes inherited from Workspace::CorePin
Name | |
DIWNE::IconType | m_iconType |
Protected Attributes inherited from Workspace::CorePin
Name | |
ImRect | m_iconRectDiwne |
CoreNode & | m_node |
Core::Pin const & | m_pin |
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::Pin
Name | |
Pin(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne ="DiwnePin")<br>Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~Pin()<br>Default destructor. |
virtual bool | allowProcessPin_Pre_ConnectLink() |
virtual void | begin() override |
virtual bool | bypassPinLinkConnectionPreparedAction() |
virtual void | end() override |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const |
DIWNE::ID const | getId() const |
virtual const ImVec2 & | getLinkConnectionPointDiwne() |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const override |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const |
virtual bool | processConnectionPrepared() |
virtual bool | processDrag() override |
virtual bool | processInteractionsAlways() override |
virtual bool | processPin_Pre_ConnectLinkDiwne()<br>Wrapper is run when new link is created and goal pin is hovered but action not released yet. |
virtual void | setConnectionPointDiwne(const ImVec2 value) |
virtual void | updateSizes() override |
Protected Attributes inherited from DIWNE::Pin
Name | |
ImVec2 | m_connectionPointDiwne |
ImRect | m_pinRectDiwne <br>PIN bounding rectangle. |
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DiwneObject(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne)<br>Constructor. | |
virtual | ~DiwneObject() =default |
virtual bool | afterContent() |
virtual bool | afterContentDiwne() |
virtual bool | afterEnd() |
virtual bool | afterEndDiwne() |
virtual bool | allowDrawing()<br>Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example) |
virtual bool | allowInteraction()<br>Decision maker whether object can interact (not include content elements) |
virtual bool | allowProcessDrag() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocused() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocusedForInteraction() |
virtual bool | allowProcessHold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessRaisePopup() |
virtual bool | allowProcessSelect() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnhold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnselect() |
virtual bool | beforeBegin() |
virtual bool | beforeBeginDiwne() |
virtual bool | beforeContent() |
virtual bool | beforeContentDiwne() |
virtual void | begin() =0 |
virtual bool | bypassDragAction() |
virtual bool | bypassFocusAction() |
virtual bool | bypassFocusForInteractionAction() |
virtual bool | bypassHoldAction() |
virtual bool | bypassRaisePopupAction() |
virtual bool | bypassSelectAction() |
virtual bool | bypassTouchAction() |
virtual bool | bypassUnholdAction() |
virtual bool | bypassUnselectAction() |
virtual bool | contentDiwne() |
virtual void | end() =0 |
virtual bool | finalize() |
virtual bool | finalizeDiwne() |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const =0 |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const =0 |
DIWNE::ID const | getIdDiwne() const |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const =0 |
virtual bool | getSelectable() |
virtual bool | getSelected() const<br>Getter of selection state. |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const =0 |
virtual bool | initialize() |
virtual bool | initializeDiwne() |
virtual bool | interactionBeginInLastDraw() |
virtual bool | interactionEndInLastDraw() |
virtual void | popupContent()<br>Content of popup menu raise on this object. |
virtual bool | processDrag() |
bool | processDragDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocused() |
bool | processFocusedDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocusedForInteraction() |
bool | processFocusedForInteractionDiwne() |
virtual bool | processHold() |
bool | processHoldDiwne() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsAlways() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsDiwne() |
virtual bool | processRaisePopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processSelect() |
bool | processSelectDiwne() |
virtual bool | processShowPopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnhold() |
bool | processUnholdDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnselect() |
bool | processUnselectDiwne() |
virtual void | setSelectable(bool const selectable) |
virtual bool | setSelected(bool const selected) |
void | showTooltipLabel(std::string const & label, ImColor const && color)<br>Show a colored text for example for immediate hints. |
virtual void | updateSizes() |
Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DIWNE::Diwne & | diwne |
DrawMode | m_drawMode |
bool | m_focused |
bool | m_focusedForInteraction |
DIWNE::ID const | m_idDiwne |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen_previous_draw |
bool | m_isActive |
bool | m_isDragged |
bool | m_isHeld |
std::string const | m_labelDiwne |
std::string const | m_popupIDDiwne |
bool | m_selectable |
bool | m_selected |
Public Functions Documentation
function CoreInPin
DIWNE::Diwne & diwne,
DIWNE::ID const id,
Core::Pin const & pin,
CoreNode & node
DIWNE::Diwne & diwne,
DIWNE::ID const id,
Core::Pin const & pin,
CoreNode & node
function allowCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction
bool allowCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction()
bool allowCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction()
function bypassCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction
bool bypassCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction()
bool bypassCreateAndPlugConstructorNodeAction()
function bypassUnplugAction
bool bypassUnplugAction()
bool bypassUnplugAction()
function connectionChanged
bool connectionChanged() const
bool connectionChanged() const
function content
virtual bool content() override
virtual bool content() override
Draw icon and label, if defined.
Return: false - both icon and label do not allow interactions
Reimplements: DIWNE::Pin::content
function drawDiwne
virtual bool drawDiwne(
DIWNE::DrawMode drawMode =DIWNE::DrawMode::Interacting
) override
virtual bool drawDiwne(
DIWNE::DrawMode drawMode =DIWNE::DrawMode::Interacting
) override
Draw pin icon + label and register the connected wire.
Return: interaction happened
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::drawDiwne
function getLink
inline CoreLink & getLink()
inline CoreLink & getLink()
function plug
bool plug(
CoreOutPin * ou,
bool logEvent =true
bool plug(
CoreOutPin * ou,
bool logEvent =true
function processCreateAndPlugConstrutorNode
virtual bool processCreateAndPlugConstrutorNode()
virtual bool processCreateAndPlugConstrutorNode()
function processInteractions
virtual bool processInteractions() override
virtual bool processInteractions() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::processInteractions
react to interactions with this object
function processUnplug
bool processUnplug()
bool processUnplug()
function setConnectedWorkspaceOutput
void setConnectedWorkspaceOutput(
CoreOutPin * ou
void setConnectedWorkspaceOutput(
CoreOutPin * ou
function unplug
void unplug(
bool logEvent =true
void unplug(
bool logEvent =true
Precondition: Needs to be plugged
function updateConnectionPointDiwne
inline virtual void updateConnectionPointDiwne() override
inline virtual void updateConnectionPointDiwne() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Pin::updateConnectionPointDiwne
intended to use when Pin is drawn (use properties dependent on drawing)
- setConnectionPointDiwne is "hard" setting
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable m_connectionChanged
bool m_connectionChanged;
bool m_connectionChanged;
Flag indicating that the pin has been plugged or unplugged this frame Note: This flag gets reset the moment the pin is drawn, which is kinda dumb, don't rely on this too much, it is currently used for a rather specific purpose.
variable m_link
CoreLink m_link;
CoreLink m_link;
Updated on 2025-01-07 at 13:40:43 +0000