#include "GUI/Workspace/WorkspaceDiwne.h"
Inherits from DIWNE::Diwne, DIWNE::DiwneObject, std::enable_shared_from_this< DiwneObject >
Public Functions
Name | |
WorkspaceDiwne(DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne) | |
~WorkspaceDiwne() override | |
template <class T > <br>auto | addNodeToPosition(ImVec2 const position =ImVec2(0, 0), bool shiftToLeftByNodeWidth =false) |
template <class T > <br>auto | addNodeToPositionOfPopup() |
template <typename T > <br>void | addTypeConstructorNode() |
virtual bool | afterContent() override |
virtual bool | afterEnd() override |
virtual bool | beforeBegin() override |
virtual bool | beforeContent() override |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize() override |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition() override |
virtual bool | bypassDragAction() override |
virtual bool | bypassHoldAction() override |
virtual bool | bypassSelectionRectangleAction() override |
virtual bool | bypassUnholdAction() override |
virtual bool | bypassZoomAction() override |
virtual void | clear() override<br>Clear all nodes from the node editor. |
virtual bool | content() override |
void | copySelectedNodes() |
void | cutSelectedNodes() |
void | deleteCallback() |
void | deselectNodes() |
void | deselectWorkspaceNode(Ptr< CoreNode > transform) |
void | detectRotationTransformAndSetFloatMode(auto node) |
void | duplicateClickedNode() |
void | duplicateSelectedNodes() |
virtual bool | finalize() override |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getAllCameras() |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getAllInputFreeModel() |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getAllInputFreeSequence() |
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > | getAllModels() |
const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & | getAllNodes() const |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getAllNodesInnerIncluded() |
template <typename T > <br>Result< Ptr< T >, Error > | getNode(Core::ID id, bool searchInner =false) const<br>O(N) where N is workspace nodes count. |
ImRect | getOverNodesRectangleDiwne(std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > nodes) |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getSelectedNodes() |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getSelectedNodesInnerIncluded() |
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > | getSequenceModels(Ptr< Sequence > seq) |
WorkspaceDiwneAction | getWorkspaceDiwneAction() |
WorkspaceDiwneAction | getWorkspaceDiwneAction_previousFrame() |
WorkspaceDiwneAction | getWorkspaceDiwneActionActive() const |
void | invertSelection() |
bool | isNodeLabelBeingEdited() |
void | manipulatorStartCheck3D() |
void | pasteSelectedNodes() |
virtual void | popupContent() override<br>Content of popup menu raise on this object. |
bool | processCreateAndPlugTypeConstructor()<br>For a given input, create appropriate constructor box and plug it to this input. |
void | processDragAllSelectedNodes() |
void | processTrackingMove() |
virtual bool | processZoom() override |
void | replaceNode(Ptr< CoreNode > oldNode, Ptr< CoreNode > newNode) |
void | selectAll() |
virtual void | setWorkAreaZoom(float val =1) override |
void | setWorkspaceDiwneAction(WorkspaceDiwneAction wda) |
void | shiftInteractingNodeToEnd() |
void | shiftNodesToBegin(std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift) |
void | shiftNodesToEnd(std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift) |
void | toggleSelectedNodesVisibility() |
void | trackingInit(Ptr< Sequence > sequence, std::vector< Ptr< Model > > models, bool isRightToLeft) |
void | trackingJaggedLeft() |
void | trackingJaggedRight() |
void | trackingModeSwitch() |
void | trackingSmoothLeft() |
void | trackingSmoothRight() |
void | trackingSwitch() |
void | trackingSwitchOff() |
void | trackingSwitchOn(Ptr< Sequence > sequence =nullptr, bool isRightToLeft =true) |
void | zoomToAll() |
void | zoomToRectangle(ImRect const & rect) |
void | zoomToSelected() |
Public Attributes
Name | |
Memento * | copiedNodes |
ImDrawListSplitter | m_channelSplitter |
std::unordered_map< Core::ID, CoreNode * > | m_coreIdMap <br>A map connecting Core node id's with equivalent gui nodes. |
std::vector< CoreLink > | m_linksCameraToSequence |
std::vector< CoreLink * > | m_linksToDraw |
bool | m_reconnectCameraToSequence |
bool | m_trackingFromLeft |
bool | m_updateDataItemsWidth <br>Indicates a change in zoom level this frame. |
ViewportHighlightResolver | m_viewportHighlightResolver |
Vp::Entity * | m_viewportLastSelectedEntity |
bool | m_viewportSelectionChanged |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | m_workspaceCoreNodes <br>All WorkspaceNodes. |
WorkspaceDiwneAction | m_workspaceDiwneAction |
WorkspaceDiwneAction | m_workspaceDiwneActionPreviousFrame |
bool | smoothTracking |
float | timeUntilNextTrack |
Core::MatrixTracker * | tracking |
Name | |
void | Sequence::moveNodeToWorkspace(Ptr< CoreNode > node) |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::Diwne
Name | |
Diwne(DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne)<br>Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~Diwne()<br>Default destructor. |
void | AddBezierCurveDiwne(const ImVec2 & p1, const ImVec2 & p2, const ImVec2 & p3, const ImVec2 & p4, ImVec4 col, float thickness, int num_segments =0) const<br>Draw Bezier (not Bezier really) curve to window ImDrawList. |
void | AddRectDiwne(const ImVec2 & p_min, const ImVec2 & p_max, ImVec4 col, float rounding =0.0f, ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll, float thickness =1.0f) const<br>Draw rectangle to window ImDrawlist. |
void | AddRectFilledDiwne(const ImVec2 & p_min, const ImVec2 & p_max, ImVec4 col, float rounding =0.0f, ImDrawFlags rounding_corners =ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll) const<br>Draw filled rectangle to window ImDrawlist. |
virtual bool | afterContentDiwne() override |
virtual bool | afterEndDiwne() override |
virtual bool | allowDrawing() override<br>Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example) |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocused() |
virtual bool | allowProcessSelectionRectangle() |
virtual bool | allowProcessZoom() |
bool | applyZoomScaling()<br>Modifies the current ImGuiStyle and Font depending on the current diwne zoom level. |
float | applyZoomScalingToFont(ImFont * font, ImFont * largeFont =nullptr)<br>Modifies the current Font depending on the current diwne zoom level. |
virtual bool | beforeBeginDiwne() override |
virtual void | begin() override |
bool | blockRaisePopup() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassDiwneGetPopupNewPositionAction() |
virtual bool | bypassDiwneSetPopupPositionAction() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassGetMouseDelta() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassGetMouseDragDelta0() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassGetMouseDragDelta1() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassGetMouseDragDelta2() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassGetMousePos() |
virtual float | bypassGetMouseWheel() |
virtual float | bypassGetZoomDelta() |
virtual bool | bypassIsItemActive() |
virtual bool | bypassIsItemClicked0() |
virtual bool | bypassIsItemClicked1() |
virtual bool | bypassIsItemClicked2() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseClicked0() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseClicked1() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseClicked2() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDown0() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDown1() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDown2() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDragging0() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDragging1() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseDragging2() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseReleased0() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseReleased1() |
virtual bool | bypassIsMouseReleased2() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassMouseClickedPos0() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassMouseClickedPos1() |
virtual ImVec2 | bypassMouseClickedPos2() |
ImVec2 | diwne2screen(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | diwne2screen_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | diwne2workArea(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | diwne2workArea_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const |
void | DrawIcon(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, DIWNE::IconType fgIconType, ImColor fgShapeColor, ImColor fgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const<br>Draw an Icon combined from two parts (foreground and background) to the window ImDrawList filled with a ShapeColor. |
void | DrawIconCircle(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const<br>Draw a circle icon. |
void | DrawIconCross(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float shapeThickness =2, float innerThickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconFastForward(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconGrabDownLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconGrabDownRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconHyphen(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =3.0f) const |
void | DrawIconPause(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const |
void | DrawIconRectangle(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, ImVec2 thickness =ImVec2(1, 1), float rounding =0) const |
void | DrawIconRewind(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconSkipBack(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconSkipBack2(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconSkipForward(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconSkipForward2(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconTriangleDownLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconTriangleDownRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconTriangleLeft(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | DrawIconTriangleRight(ImDrawList * idl, ImColor shapeColor, ImColor innerColor, ImVec2 topLeft, ImVec2 bottomRight, bool filled, float thickness =1) const |
void | EmptyButton(ImVec2 size, ImColor color, float rounding)<br>Just the shape of the button, no interaction. |
virtual void | end() override |
bool | ensureZoomScaling(bool active)<br>Ensure that zoom scaling is active or not based on a passed parameter. |
virtual bool | finalizeDiwne() override |
DiwneAction | getDiwneAction() const |
DiwneAction | getDiwneActionActive() const |
DiwneAction | getDiwneActionPreviousFrame() const |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const |
DIWNE::Link & | getHelperLink() |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const |
template <typename T > <br>std::shared_ptr< T > | getLastActiveNode() |
template <typename T > <br>std::shared_ptr< T > | getLastActivePin() |
bool | getNodesSelectionChanged() |
ImVec2 const & | getPopupPosition() const |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const override |
ImRect | getSelectionRectangleDiwne() |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const |
ImRect | getWorkAreaDiwne() const<br>Update position and size of work area on screen and on diwne. |
ImRect | getWorkAreaScreen() const |
float | getWorkAreaZoom() const |
bool | IconButton(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, DIWNE::IconType fgIconType, ImColor fgShapeColor, ImColor fgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, std::string const id) const |
bool | IconButton(DIWNE::IconType bgIconType, ImColor bgShapeColor, ImColor bgInnerColor, ImVec2 size, ImVec4 padding, bool filled, std::string const id) const |
virtual bool | initializeDiwne() override |
virtual bool | processDiwneSelectionRectangle() |
virtual bool | processDiwneZoom() |
virtual bool | processDrag() override |
virtual bool | processInteractions() override |
virtual bool | processInteractionsDiwne() override |
bool | restoreZoomScaling()<br>Restores the current ImGuiStyle and Font back to its state before applyZoomScaling() was last called. |
void | restoreZoomScalingToFont(ImFont * font, float originalScale) |
ImVec2 | screen2diwne(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | screen2diwne_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | screen2workArea(const ImVec2 & point) const |
void | setDiwneAction(DiwneAction action) |
template <typename T > <br>void | setLastActiveNode(std::shared_ptr< T > node) |
template <typename T > <br>void | setLastActivePin(std::shared_ptr< T > pin) |
void | setNodesSelectionChanged(bool value) |
void | setPopupPosition(ImVec2 position) |
void | setWorkAreaDiwne(ImRect rect) |
ImVec2 | transformFromDiwneToImGui(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec4 | transformFromDiwneToImGui(const ImVec4 & point) const |
ImVec2 | transformFromImGuiToDiwne(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec4 | transformFromImGuiToDiwne(const ImVec4 & point) const |
void | translateWorkAreaDiwne(ImVec2 const & distance) |
void | translateWorkAreaDiwneZoomed(ImVec2 const & distance) |
void | updateWorkAreaRectangles() |
ImVec2 | workArea2diwne(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | workArea2diwne_noZoom(const ImVec2 & point) const |
ImVec2 | workArea2screen(const ImVec2 & point) const |
Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::Diwne
Name | |
bool | m_allowUnselectingNodes <br>for example when holding ctrl nodes not going unselected when sleection rect get out of them |
bool | m_diwneDebug |
bool | m_objectFocused <br>only one object can be focused |
bool | m_popupDrawn <br>not draw popup two times |
bool | m_takeSnap |
bool | m_tooltipDrawn <br>not draw tooltip two times |
DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * | mp_settingsDiwne |
Protected Attributes inherited from DIWNE::Diwne
Name | |
DiwneAction | m_diwneAction |
DiwneAction | m_diwneAction_previousFrame |
bool | m_drawing |
DIWNE::Link | m_helperLink |
bool | m_nodesSelectionChanged |
ImVec2 | m_popupPosition |
ImRect | m_selectionRectangeDiwne |
ImColor | m_selectionRectangeFullColor |
ImColor | m_selectionRectangeTouchColor |
ImDrawListSplitter | m_splitter <br>Every nodes should be draw to its own channel. |
ImRect | m_workAreaDiwne <br>Rectangle of work area on diwne. |
ImRect | m_workAreaScreen <br>Rectangle of work area on screen. |
float | m_workAreaZoom <br>Workspace zoom factor. |
float | m_zoomOriginalFontScale <br>For restore value after this window is done. |
ImGuiStyle | m_zoomOriginalStyle |
bool | m_zoomScalingApplied |
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Node > | mp_lastActiveNode |
std::shared_ptr< DIWNE::Pin > | mp_lastActivePin |
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DiwneObject(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne)<br>Constructor. | |
virtual | ~DiwneObject() =default |
virtual bool | afterContentDiwne() |
virtual bool | afterEndDiwne() |
virtual bool | allowDrawing()<br>Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example) |
virtual bool | allowInteraction()<br>Decision maker whether object can interact (not include content elements) |
virtual bool | allowProcessDrag() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocused() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocusedForInteraction() |
virtual bool | allowProcessHold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessRaisePopup() |
virtual bool | allowProcessSelect() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnhold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnselect() |
virtual bool | beforeBeginDiwne() |
virtual bool | beforeContentDiwne() |
virtual void | begin() =0 |
virtual bool | bypassFocusAction() |
virtual bool | bypassFocusForInteractionAction() |
virtual bool | bypassRaisePopupAction() |
virtual bool | bypassSelectAction() |
virtual bool | bypassTouchAction() |
virtual bool | bypassUnselectAction() |
virtual bool | contentDiwne() |
virtual bool | drawDiwne(DrawMode drawMode =DrawMode::Interacting)<br>Main function for drawing object and deal with interactions. |
virtual void | end() =0 |
virtual bool | finalizeDiwne() |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const =0 |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const =0 |
DIWNE::ID const | getIdDiwne() const |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const =0 |
virtual bool | getSelectable() |
virtual bool | getSelected() const<br>Getter of selection state. |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const =0 |
virtual bool | initialize() |
virtual bool | initializeDiwne() |
virtual bool | interactionBeginInLastDraw() |
virtual bool | interactionEndInLastDraw() |
virtual bool | processDrag() |
bool | processDragDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocused() |
bool | processFocusedDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocusedForInteraction() |
bool | processFocusedForInteractionDiwne() |
virtual bool | processHold() |
bool | processHoldDiwne() |
virtual bool | processInteractions() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsAlways() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsDiwne() |
virtual bool | processRaisePopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processSelect() |
bool | processSelectDiwne() |
virtual bool | processShowPopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnhold() |
bool | processUnholdDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnselect() |
bool | processUnselectDiwne() |
virtual void | setSelectable(bool const selectable) |
virtual bool | setSelected(bool const selected) |
void | showTooltipLabel(std::string const & label, ImColor const && color)<br>Show a colored text for example for immediate hints. |
virtual void | updateSizes() |
Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DIWNE::Diwne & | diwne |
DrawMode | m_drawMode |
bool | m_focused |
bool | m_focusedForInteraction |
DIWNE::ID const | m_idDiwne |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen_previous_draw |
bool | m_isActive |
bool | m_isDragged |
bool | m_isHeld |
std::string const | m_labelDiwne |
std::string const | m_popupIDDiwne |
bool | m_selectable |
bool | m_selected |
Public Functions Documentation
function WorkspaceDiwne
DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne
DIWNE::SettingsDiwne * settingsDiwne
function ~WorkspaceDiwne
~WorkspaceDiwne() override
~WorkspaceDiwne() override
function addNodeToPosition
template <class T >
inline auto addNodeToPosition(
ImVec2 const position =ImVec2(0, 0),
bool shiftToLeftByNodeWidth =false
template <class T >
inline auto addNodeToPosition(
ImVec2 const position =ImVec2(0, 0),
bool shiftToLeftByNodeWidth =false
function addNodeToPositionOfPopup
template <class T >
inline auto addNodeToPositionOfPopup()
template <class T >
inline auto addNodeToPositionOfPopup()
function addTypeConstructorNode
template <typename T >
inline void addTypeConstructorNode()
template <typename T >
inline void addTypeConstructorNode()
function afterContent
virtual bool afterContent() override
virtual bool afterContent() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::afterContent
is called as last inside object
function afterEnd
virtual bool afterEnd() override
virtual bool afterEnd() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::afterEnd
is called after closing object, sizes are updated already
function beforeBegin
virtual bool beforeBegin() override
virtual bool beforeBegin() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::beforeBegin
is called before begin of object drawing (but after allowDrawing() decision)
function beforeContent
virtual bool beforeContent() override
virtual bool beforeContent() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::beforeContent
is called first inside of object
function bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize() override
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleSize
function bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition() override
virtual ImVec2 bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::bypassDiwneGetSelectionRectangleStartPosition
function bypassDragAction
virtual bool bypassDragAction() override
virtual bool bypassDragAction() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::bypassDragAction
action used for dragging object
function bypassHoldAction
virtual bool bypassHoldAction() override
virtual bool bypassHoldAction() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::bypassHoldAction
action used for holding object (check only if object is not held)
function bypassSelectionRectangleAction
virtual bool bypassSelectionRectangleAction() override
virtual bool bypassSelectionRectangleAction() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::bypassSelectionRectangleAction
function bypassUnholdAction
virtual bool bypassUnholdAction() override
virtual bool bypassUnholdAction() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::bypassUnholdAction
action used for unholding object (check only if object is held)
function bypassZoomAction
virtual bool bypassZoomAction() override
virtual bool bypassZoomAction() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::bypassZoomAction
function clear
virtual void clear() override
virtual void clear() override
Clear all nodes from the node editor.
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::clear
function content
virtual bool content() override
virtual bool content() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::content
content of object
TodoCannot draw with empty workspace -> m_channelSplitter.Split(ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(), node_count );
Todosee #111, wrongly computed m_takeSnap value.
function copySelectedNodes
void copySelectedNodes()
void copySelectedNodes()
function cutSelectedNodes
void cutSelectedNodes()
void cutSelectedNodes()
function deleteCallback
void deleteCallback()
void deleteCallback()
function deselectNodes
void deselectNodes()
void deselectNodes()
function deselectWorkspaceNode
void deselectWorkspaceNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > transform
void deselectWorkspaceNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > transform
function detectRotationTransformAndSetFloatMode
inline void detectRotationTransformAndSetFloatMode(
auto node
inline void detectRotationTransformAndSetFloatMode(
auto node
function duplicateClickedNode
void duplicateClickedNode()
void duplicateClickedNode()
function duplicateSelectedNodes
void duplicateSelectedNodes()
void duplicateSelectedNodes()
function finalize
virtual bool finalize() override
virtual bool finalize() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::finalize
is called every time in drawDiwne() do any finalization of your object here
function getAllCameras
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllCameras()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllCameras()
function getAllInputFreeModel
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllInputFreeModel()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllInputFreeModel()
function getAllInputFreeSequence
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllInputFreeSequence()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllInputFreeSequence()
function getAllModels
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > getAllModels()
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > getAllModels()
function getAllNodes
inline const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & getAllNodes() const
inline const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & getAllNodes() const
function getAllNodesInnerIncluded
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllNodesInnerIncluded()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getAllNodesInnerIncluded()
function getNode
template <typename T >
Result< Ptr< T >, Error > getNode(
Core::ID id,
bool searchInner =false
) const
template <typename T >
Result< Ptr< T >, Error > getNode(
Core::ID id,
bool searchInner =false
) const
O(N) where N is workspace nodes count.
- id
Template Parameters:
- T
function getOverNodesRectangleDiwne
ImRect getOverNodesRectangleDiwne(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > nodes
ImRect getOverNodesRectangleDiwne(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > nodes
function getSelectedNodes
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getSelectedNodes()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getSelectedNodes()
function getSelectedNodesInnerIncluded
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getSelectedNodesInnerIncluded()
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > getSelectedNodesInnerIncluded()
function getSequenceModels
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > getSequenceModels(
Ptr< Sequence > seq
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > getSequenceModels(
Ptr< Sequence > seq
function getWorkspaceDiwneAction
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneAction()
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneAction()
function getWorkspaceDiwneAction_previousFrame
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneAction_previousFrame()
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneAction_previousFrame()
function getWorkspaceDiwneActionActive
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneActionActive() const
inline WorkspaceDiwneAction getWorkspaceDiwneActionActive() const
function invertSelection
void invertSelection()
void invertSelection()
function isNodeLabelBeingEdited
bool isNodeLabelBeingEdited()
bool isNodeLabelBeingEdited()
function manipulatorStartCheck3D
void manipulatorStartCheck3D()
void manipulatorStartCheck3D()
function pasteSelectedNodes
void pasteSelectedNodes()
void pasteSelectedNodes()
function popupContent
virtual void popupContent() override
virtual void popupContent() override
Content of popup menu raise on this object.
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::popupContent
function processCreateAndPlugTypeConstructor
bool processCreateAndPlugTypeConstructor()
bool processCreateAndPlugTypeConstructor()
For a given input, create appropriate constructor box and plug it to this input.
Return: true if successful (input was not a Ptr)
function processDragAllSelectedNodes
void processDragAllSelectedNodes()
void processDragAllSelectedNodes()
function processTrackingMove
void processTrackingMove()
void processTrackingMove()
function processZoom
virtual bool processZoom() override
virtual bool processZoom() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::processZoom
function replaceNode
void replaceNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > oldNode,
Ptr< CoreNode > newNode
void replaceNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > oldNode,
Ptr< CoreNode > newNode
function selectAll
void selectAll()
void selectAll()
function setWorkAreaZoom
virtual void setWorkAreaZoom(
float val =1
) override
virtual void setWorkAreaZoom(
float val =1
) override
Reimplements: DIWNE::Diwne::setWorkAreaZoom
function setWorkspaceDiwneAction
inline void setWorkspaceDiwneAction(
WorkspaceDiwneAction wda
inline void setWorkspaceDiwneAction(
WorkspaceDiwneAction wda
function shiftInteractingNodeToEnd
void shiftInteractingNodeToEnd()
void shiftInteractingNodeToEnd()
function shiftNodesToBegin
void shiftNodesToBegin(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift
void shiftNodesToBegin(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift
function shiftNodesToEnd
void shiftNodesToEnd(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift
void shiftNodesToEnd(
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > const & nodesToShift
function toggleSelectedNodesVisibility
void toggleSelectedNodesVisibility()
void toggleSelectedNodesVisibility()
function trackingInit
void trackingInit(
Ptr< Sequence > sequence,
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > models,
bool isRightToLeft
void trackingInit(
Ptr< Sequence > sequence,
std::vector< Ptr< Model > > models,
bool isRightToLeft
Precondition: sequence
is not null.
function trackingJaggedLeft
void trackingJaggedLeft()
void trackingJaggedLeft()
function trackingJaggedRight
void trackingJaggedRight()
void trackingJaggedRight()
function trackingModeSwitch
void trackingModeSwitch()
void trackingModeSwitch()
function trackingSmoothLeft
void trackingSmoothLeft()
void trackingSmoothLeft()
function trackingSmoothRight
void trackingSmoothRight()
void trackingSmoothRight()
function trackingSwitch
void trackingSwitch()
void trackingSwitch()
function trackingSwitchOff
void trackingSwitchOff()
void trackingSwitchOff()
function trackingSwitchOn
void trackingSwitchOn(
Ptr< Sequence > sequence =nullptr,
bool isRightToLeft =true
void trackingSwitchOn(
Ptr< Sequence > sequence =nullptr,
bool isRightToLeft =true
function zoomToAll
void zoomToAll()
void zoomToAll()
function zoomToRectangle
void zoomToRectangle(
ImRect const & rect
void zoomToRectangle(
ImRect const & rect
function zoomToSelected
void zoomToSelected()
void zoomToSelected()
Public Attributes Documentation
variable copiedNodes
Memento * copiedNodes = nullptr;
Memento * copiedNodes = nullptr;
variable m_channelSplitter
ImDrawListSplitter m_channelSplitter;
ImDrawListSplitter m_channelSplitter;
variable m_coreIdMap
std::unordered_map< Core::ID, CoreNode * > m_coreIdMap;
std::unordered_map< Core::ID, CoreNode * > m_coreIdMap;
A map connecting Core node id's with equivalent gui nodes.
Contains raw pointers as values so it can be populated in constructors.
variable m_linksCameraToSequence
std::vector< CoreLink > m_linksCameraToSequence;
std::vector< CoreLink > m_linksCameraToSequence;
variable m_linksToDraw
std::vector< CoreLink * > m_linksToDraw;
std::vector< CoreLink * > m_linksToDraw;
variable m_reconnectCameraToSequence
bool m_reconnectCameraToSequence;
bool m_reconnectCameraToSequence;
variable m_trackingFromLeft
bool m_trackingFromLeft;
bool m_trackingFromLeft;
variable m_updateDataItemsWidth
bool m_updateDataItemsWidth;
bool m_updateDataItemsWidth;
Indicates a change in zoom level this frame.
variable m_viewportHighlightResolver
ViewportHighlightResolver m_viewportHighlightResolver;
ViewportHighlightResolver m_viewportHighlightResolver;
variable m_viewportLastSelectedEntity
Vp::Entity * m_viewportLastSelectedEntity {nullptr};
Vp::Entity * m_viewportLastSelectedEntity {nullptr};
variable m_viewportSelectionChanged
bool m_viewportSelectionChanged {false};
bool m_viewportSelectionChanged {false};
variable m_workspaceCoreNodes
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > m_workspaceCoreNodes;
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > m_workspaceCoreNodes;
All WorkspaceNodes.
Note: Nodes inside Sequences are not directly in this vector (they are in Sequence)
variable m_workspaceDiwneAction
WorkspaceDiwneAction m_workspaceDiwneAction;
WorkspaceDiwneAction m_workspaceDiwneAction;
variable m_workspaceDiwneActionPreviousFrame
WorkspaceDiwneAction m_workspaceDiwneActionPreviousFrame;
WorkspaceDiwneAction m_workspaceDiwneActionPreviousFrame;
variable smoothTracking
bool smoothTracking;
bool smoothTracking;
variable timeUntilNextTrack
float timeUntilNextTrack = 0;
float timeUntilNextTrack = 0;
variable tracking
Core::MatrixTracker * tracking;
Core::MatrixTracker * tracking;
friend Sequence::moveNodeToWorkspace
friend void Sequence::moveNodeToWorkspace(
Ptr< CoreNode > node
friend void Sequence::moveNodeToWorkspace(
Ptr< CoreNode > node
Updated on 2025-01-07 at 13:40:43 +0000