How to add node to I3T
pin and wire types
- Operations.h: defaultIoNames - strings pulse, float, vec3, vec4, matrix, and quad (no string for Matrix_MULL and SCREEN)
- NodeData.h : EValueType - Pulse, Float, Vec3, Vec4, Matrix, Quat, MatrixMul, Screen, Ptr, Data is stored in the DatastoreClass in an std::variant structure, data type is in ''opValueType''. Access is via getters ''getFloat'', ... ,and a ''setValue'' template.
Node types
There are three node types
- operator (blue box, serves as a calculator of the output from the connected inputs having no inner state ) They hav a subgroup called Constructors
- sequence (envelope for matrices)
- transformation (yellow box, stores the 4x4 matrix of the particular transformation)
How to add the transformation node
Adding a new box to Operations.h
a) Operators:
- create a new enum in
enum class EOperatorType
- simple nodes that just compute output from given inputs
- constructors create a matrix of given type (such as translation or EulerX rotation)
b) Matrices (Transformations):
create a new enum in
enum class ETransformType
Prepare list of input and output pins into
static const std::vector<EValueType>
if it is not already there.Prepare list of pin names into
static const std::vector<std::string>s
Add the new node into the vector of operations ()
- Operator:
{n(EOperatorType::Inversion), "inversion", 1, matrixInput, 1, matrixInput},
- Transformation:
{n(EOperatorType::MakeTranslation), "translate", 1, vector3Input, 1, matrixInput}, // translate
- Use one of predefined version of ''Operation'' constructor, depending on existence of inputs, outputs, hover tag and explicit pin labels
- Transformation:
- Operator:
Transform matrices have one more configuration vector ''ETransformType''
- predefined pair of type and name (ETransformType and string)
- 16 bit info about editable values of a locked matrix
- vector of editable parameters in the middle LOD (SetValues) - pairs param_name data_type EValueType)
- predefined pair of type and name (ETransformType and string)
Writing the operator logic in Core
Prepare the function updateValues()
of the operator (specialization of the Operator
An example for conversion from Euler angles to Quaternion:
// EulerToQuat
template <> FORCE_INLINE void Operator<EOperatorType::EulerToQuat>::updateValues(int inputIndex)
if (m_inputs[0].isPluggedIn() && m_inputs[1].isPluggedIn() && m_inputs[2].isPluggedIn())
glm::quat(glm::vec3(m_inputs[0].data().getFloat(), m_inputs[1].data().getFloat(),
// EulerToQuat
template <> FORCE_INLINE void Operator<EOperatorType::EulerToQuat>::updateValues(int inputIndex)
if (m_inputs[0].isPluggedIn() && m_inputs[1].isPluggedIn() && m_inputs[2].isPluggedIn())
glm::quat(glm::vec3(m_inputs[0].data().getFloat(), m_inputs[1].data().getFloat(),