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attribute content: string

Text content of the element, common to all types of elements.

function as_explanation(): Explanation

function as_headline(): Headline

function as_task(): Task

function as_hint(): Hint

function as_choice_task(): ChoiceTask

function as_multi_choice_task(): MultiChoiceTask

function as_input_task(): InputTask


Inherits all TutorialElement content.

constructor new(content: string)


Inherits all TutorialElement content.

constructor new(content: string)


Inherits all TutorialElement content.

constructor new(content: string)

attribute completed: boolean

Whether the task is completed. When set to true tutorial renders a checkmark before task content.


Represents a hint button that can be clicked and expanded by the user. Inherits all TutorialElement content.

constructor new(content: string)

attribute expanded: boolean

When set to true hint content is visible.


Question with single choice answers (radio buttons). Inherits all TutorialElement content.

constructor new(question: string, choices: string[], correct_choice: number)

correct_index is the index (0-based) of the correct answer in the choices array.

attribute choices: string[]

attribute correct_choice: number


Question with multiple choice answers (checkboxes).

constructor new(question: string, choices: string[], correct_choices: number[])

correct_choices is an array of indexes (0-based) of the correct answers in the choices array.

attribute choices: string[]

attribute correct_choices: number[]


Question with a text input field.

constructor new(question: string, correct_answers: string[])

attribute correct_answers: string[]


attribute title: string

Title of the tutorial.

attribute description: string

Description of the tutorial.


attribute completed: boolean

Whether the step is completed. Each step is considered completed by default. When set to false user cannot proceed to the next step.

attribute content: TutorialElement[]

List of elements that make up the step content.


attribute header: TutorialHeader

attribute steps: TutorialStep[]

method get_current_step(): TutorialStep

method set_step(index: number)

Set the current step of the tutorial to the given index (1-based) only if the index is valid.

method push_element(element: TutorialElement): TutorialElement

Add a new element to the tutorial steps and return it to the caller.

method push_element_at(element: TutorialElement, index: number): TutorialElement

Add a new element to the tutorial steps at the given index (1-based) and return it to the caller.

method pop_element(index: number)

Remove the element at the given index (1-based) from the tutorial steps.

Tutorial API functions

function I3T.get_tutorial()

Returns the current tutorial object. If no tutorial is active, returns nil.