#include "GUI/Workspace/Nodes/Sequence.h"
Inherits from Workspace::CoreNodeWithPins, Workspace::CoreNode, Workspace::Node, IVisitable, DIWNE::Node, DIWNE::DiwneObject, std::enable_shared_from_this< DiwneObject >
Public Functions
Name | |
Sequence(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, Ptr< Core::Node > nodebase =Core::GraphManager::createSequence(), bool isCameraSequence =false) | |
virtual void | accept(NodeVisitor & visitor) override |
virtual bool | afterContent() override |
virtual bool | allowDrawing() override<br>Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example) |
virtual bool | beforeContent() override |
virtual void | drawMenuLevelOfDetail() override |
int | getInnerPosition(std::vector< ImVec2 > points) |
const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & | getInnerWorkspaceNodes() const |
ImVec4 | getTint() |
std::optional< Ptr< CoreNode > > | getTransform(int index) const |
bool | isSequence() |
virtual int | maxLengthOfData() override |
virtual bool | middleContent() override |
void | moveNodeToSequence(Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode, int index =0) |
void | moveNodeToWorkspace(Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode) |
void | popNode(Ptr< CoreNode > node) |
virtual void | popupContent() override<br>Content of popup menu raise on this object. |
void | popupContentTracking() |
void | pushNode(Ptr< CoreNode > node, int index =0) |
virtual void | setNumberOfVisibleDecimal(int value) override |
void | setPostionOfDummyData(int positionOfDummyData =-1) |
void | setTint(ImVec4 tint) |
virtual bool | topContent() override |
Protected Attributes
Name | |
int | m_position_of_dummy_data |
ImVec2 | m_sizeOfDummy |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > | m_workspaceInnerTransformations |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from Workspace::CoreNodeWithPins
Name | |
CoreNodeWithPins(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, Ptr< Core::Node > nodebase, bool showDataOnPins =true) | |
virtual bool | finalize() override |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreInPin > > const & | getInputs() const<br>get vector of input pins |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreOutPin > > const & | getOutputs() const<br>get vector of output pins |
virtual std::vector< Ptr< CoreOutPin > > const | getOutputsToShow() const |
virtual bool | leftContent() override |
virtual bool | rightContent() override |
Protected Attributes inherited from Workspace::CoreNodeWithPins
Name | |
bool | m_showDataOnPins |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreInPin > > | m_workspaceInputs |
std::vector< Ptr< CoreOutPin > > | m_workspaceOutputs |
Public Functions inherited from Workspace::CoreNode
Name | |
CoreNode(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, Ptr< Core::Node > nodebase) | |
~CoreNode() override | |
bool | drawDataLabel() |
void | drawMenuDuplicate() |
void | drawMenuSetEditable() |
void | drawMenuSetPrecision() |
float | getDataItemsWidth() |
FloatPopupMode & | getFloatPopupMode() |
bool | getIsLabelBeingEdited() |
const std::string & | getKeyword() const |
LevelOfDetail | getLevelOfDetail() |
Ptr< Core::Node > const | getNodebase() const |
int | getNumberOfVisibleDecimal() |
virtual bool | processDrag() override |
virtual bool | processSelect() override |
virtual bool | processUnselect() override |
void | setFloatPopupMode(FloatPopupMode mode) |
LevelOfDetail | setLevelOfDetail(LevelOfDetail levelOfDetail) |
virtual float | updateDataItemsWidth() |
void | drawMenuLevelOfDetail_builder(Ptr< CoreNode > node, std::vector< LevelOfDetail > const & levels_of_detail) |
Protected Attributes inherited from Workspace::CoreNode
Name | |
float | m_dataItemsWidth |
FloatPopupMode | m_floatPopupMode |
float | m_headerMinWidth <br>Can be used to specify the minimum header width of the node. |
bool | m_isFirstDraw |
bool | m_isLabelBeingEdited |
LevelOfDetail | m_levelOfDetail |
Ptr< Core::Node > const | m_nodebase <br>reference to Core |
int | m_numberOfVisibleDecimal <br>number of decimal places used while display floats in the workspace |
Public Functions inherited from Workspace::Node
Name | |
Node(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const topLabel ="Header", std::string const middleLabel ="Content") | |
virtual | ~Node()<br>Default destructor. |
virtual bool | bottomContent() override |
virtual bool | bypassFocusForInteractionAction() override |
virtual void | deleteAction() override |
virtual void | drawMenuDelete() |
bool | getDuplicateNode() const |
std::string | getMiddleLabel() |
bool | getRemoveFromWorkspace() const |
std::string | getTopLabel() |
virtual bool | leftContent() override |
virtual bool | rightContent() override |
void | setDuplicateNode(bool value) |
void | setMiddleLabel(std::string label) |
void | setRemoveFromWorkspace(bool value) |
void | setTopLabel(std::string label) |
Public Attributes inherited from Workspace::Node
Name | |
bool | m_duplicateNode |
bool | m_removeFromWorkspaceWindow |
Protected Attributes inherited from Workspace::Node
Name | |
std::string | m_middleLabel |
std::string | m_topLabel |
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::Node
Name | |
Node(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne ="DiwneNode")<br>Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~Node()<br>Default destructor. |
virtual bool | afterEndDiwne() override |
virtual bool | beforeBeginDiwne() override |
virtual void | begin() override |
virtual bool | bottomContent() |
bool | bottomContentDiwne() |
virtual bool | content() override |
virtual void | deleteAction() |
void | deleteActionDiwne() |
template <typename T > <br>bool | drawNodeDiwne(DrawModeNodePosition nodePosMode =DrawModeNodePosition::OnItsPosition, DrawMode drawMode =DrawMode::Interacting) |
virtual void | end() override |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const |
DIWNE::ID const | getId() const |
ImVec2 | getNodePositionDiwne() const |
ImRect | getNodeRectDiwne() const |
ImVec2 | getNodeRectSizeDiwne() const |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const override |
bool | getRender() const |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const |
virtual bool | leftContent() |
bool | leftContentDiwne() |
bool | middleContentDiwne() |
Node & | operator=(const Node & other)<br>Assignment operator. |
virtual bool | processDrag() override |
virtual bool | processSelect() override |
virtual bool | processUnselect() override |
virtual bool | rightContent() |
bool | rightContentDiwne() |
void | setNodePositionDiwne(ImVec2 const & position) |
void | setRender(bool render) |
virtual bool | setSelected(const bool selected) override |
bool | topContentDiwne() |
void | translateNodePositionDiwne(ImVec2 const amount) |
virtual void | updateSizes() override |
Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::Node
Name | |
bool | m_drawAnyway |
Protected Attributes inherited from DIWNE::Node
Name | |
ImRect | m_bottomRectDiwne |
float | m_centerDummySpace <br>indent value to center the middle part |
ImRect | m_leftRectDiwne |
ImRect | m_middleRectDiwne |
ImVec2 | m_nodePositionDiwne |
DrawModeNodePosition | m_nodePosMode |
bool | m_render <br>used to hide nodes in tutorial scenes (action "toggleNodeWorkspaceVisibility") |
ImRect | m_rightRectDiwne |
bool | m_toDelete <br>Set to true after node delete action. |
ImRect | m_topRectDiwne <br>Rectangle of parts of node in diwne, are computed every frame based on node content and m_nodePositionDiwne. |
Public Functions inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DiwneObject(DIWNE::Diwne & diwne, DIWNE::ID id, std::string const labelDiwne)<br>Constructor. | |
virtual | ~DiwneObject() =default |
virtual bool | afterContentDiwne() |
virtual bool | afterEnd() |
virtual bool | afterEndDiwne() |
virtual bool | allowInteraction()<br>Decision maker whether object can interact (not include content elements) |
virtual bool | allowProcessDrag() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocused() |
virtual bool | allowProcessFocusedForInteraction() |
virtual bool | allowProcessHold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessRaisePopup() |
virtual bool | allowProcessSelect() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnhold() |
virtual bool | allowProcessUnselect() |
virtual bool | beforeBegin() |
virtual bool | beforeBeginDiwne() |
virtual bool | beforeContentDiwne() |
virtual void | begin() =0 |
virtual bool | bypassDragAction() |
virtual bool | bypassFocusAction() |
virtual bool | bypassFocusForInteractionAction() |
virtual bool | bypassHoldAction() |
virtual bool | bypassRaisePopupAction() |
virtual bool | bypassSelectAction() |
virtual bool | bypassTouchAction() |
virtual bool | bypassUnholdAction() |
virtual bool | bypassUnselectAction() |
virtual bool | content() |
virtual bool | contentDiwne() |
virtual bool | drawDiwne(DrawMode drawMode =DrawMode::Interacting)<br>Main function for drawing object and deal with interactions. |
virtual void | end() =0 |
virtual bool | finalize() |
virtual bool | finalizeDiwne() |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getDragActionType() const =0 |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getHoldActionType() const =0 |
DIWNE::ID const | getIdDiwne() const |
virtual ImRect | getRectDiwne() const =0 |
virtual bool | getSelectable() |
virtual bool | getSelected() const<br>Getter of selection state. |
virtual DIWNE::DiwneAction | getTouchActionType() const =0 |
virtual bool | initialize() |
virtual bool | initializeDiwne() |
virtual bool | interactionBeginInLastDraw() |
virtual bool | interactionEndInLastDraw() |
virtual bool | processDrag() |
bool | processDragDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocused() |
bool | processFocusedDiwne() |
virtual bool | processFocusedForInteraction() |
bool | processFocusedForInteractionDiwne() |
virtual bool | processHold() |
bool | processHoldDiwne() |
virtual bool | processInteractions() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsAlways() |
virtual bool | processInteractionsDiwne() |
virtual bool | processRaisePopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processSelect() |
bool | processSelectDiwne() |
virtual bool | processShowPopupDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnhold() |
bool | processUnholdDiwne() |
virtual bool | processUnselect() |
bool | processUnselectDiwne() |
virtual void | setSelectable(bool const selectable) |
virtual bool | setSelected(bool const selected) |
void | showTooltipLabel(std::string const & label, ImColor const && color)<br>Show a colored text for example for immediate hints. |
virtual void | updateSizes() |
Public Attributes inherited from DIWNE::DiwneObject
Name | |
DIWNE::Diwne & | diwne |
DrawMode | m_drawMode |
bool | m_focused |
bool | m_focusedForInteraction |
DIWNE::ID const | m_idDiwne |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen |
bool | m_inner_interaction_happen_previous_draw |
bool | m_isActive |
bool | m_isDragged |
bool | m_isHeld |
std::string const | m_labelDiwne |
std::string const | m_popupIDDiwne |
bool | m_selectable |
bool | m_selected |
Public Functions Documentation
function Sequence
DIWNE::Diwne & diwne,
Ptr< Core::Node > nodebase =Core::GraphManager::createSequence(),
bool isCameraSequence =false
DIWNE::Diwne & diwne,
Ptr< Core::Node > nodebase =Core::GraphManager::createSequence(),
bool isCameraSequence =false
function accept
inline virtual void accept(
NodeVisitor & visitor
) override
inline virtual void accept(
NodeVisitor & visitor
) override
Reimplements: IVisitable::accept
function afterContent
virtual bool afterContent() override
virtual bool afterContent() override
Reimplements: DIWNE::DiwneObject::afterContent
is called as last inside object
function allowDrawing
virtual bool allowDrawing() override
virtual bool allowDrawing() override
Decision maker whether object should be drawn (not outside of window for example)
Return: draw object on its position?
Reimplements: DIWNE::Node::allowDrawing
function beforeContent
virtual bool beforeContent() override
virtual bool beforeContent() override
Reimplements: Workspace::Node::beforeContent
is called first inside of object
function drawMenuLevelOfDetail
virtual void drawMenuLevelOfDetail() override
virtual void drawMenuLevelOfDetail() override
Reimplements: Workspace::CoreNode::drawMenuLevelOfDetail
function getInnerPosition
int getInnerPosition(
std::vector< ImVec2 > points
int getInnerPosition(
std::vector< ImVec2 > points
function getInnerWorkspaceNodes
const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & getInnerWorkspaceNodes() const
const std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > & getInnerWorkspaceNodes() const
function getTint
inline ImVec4 getTint()
inline ImVec4 getTint()
function getTransform
std::optional< Ptr< CoreNode > > getTransform(
int index
) const
std::optional< Ptr< CoreNode > > getTransform(
int index
) const
function isSequence
bool isSequence()
bool isSequence()
function maxLengthOfData
virtual int maxLengthOfData() override
virtual int maxLengthOfData() override
Reimplements: Workspace::CoreNode::maxLengthOfData
function middleContent
virtual bool middleContent() override
virtual bool middleContent() override
Reimplements: Workspace::Node::middleContent
function moveNodeToSequence
void moveNodeToSequence(
Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode,
int index =0
void moveNodeToSequence(
Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode,
int index =0
function moveNodeToWorkspace
void moveNodeToWorkspace(
Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode
void moveNodeToWorkspace(
Ptr< CoreNode > dragedNode
function popNode
void popNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > node
void popNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > node
function popupContent
virtual void popupContent() override
virtual void popupContent() override
Content of popup menu raise on this object.
Reimplements: Workspace::CoreNode::popupContent
function popupContentTracking
void popupContentTracking()
void popupContentTracking()
function pushNode
void pushNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > node,
int index =0
void pushNode(
Ptr< CoreNode > node,
int index =0
function setNumberOfVisibleDecimal
virtual void setNumberOfVisibleDecimal(
int value
) override
virtual void setNumberOfVisibleDecimal(
int value
) override
Reimplements: Workspace::CoreNode::setNumberOfVisibleDecimal
function setPostionOfDummyData
void setPostionOfDummyData(
int positionOfDummyData =-1
void setPostionOfDummyData(
int positionOfDummyData =-1
function setTint
inline void setTint(
ImVec4 tint
inline void setTint(
ImVec4 tint
function topContent
virtual bool topContent() override
virtual bool topContent() override
Reimplements: Workspace::CoreNode::topContent
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable m_position_of_dummy_data
int m_position_of_dummy_data = -1;
int m_position_of_dummy_data = -1;
variable m_sizeOfDummy
ImVec2 m_sizeOfDummy = ImVec2(100, 1);
ImVec2 m_sizeOfDummy = ImVec2(100, 1);
variable m_workspaceInnerTransformations
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > m_workspaceInnerTransformations;
std::vector< Ptr< CoreNode > > m_workspaceInnerTransformations;
Updated on 2025-02-25 at 07:08:42 +0000