Classes ​
- class AboutWindow
- class Application <br>Application class.
- class BeforeCloseCommand
- class BeforeExitSceneStrategy
- class BeforeNewTutModal
- struct COutRedirect
- struct ChoiceTask
- class Chronos
- class CloseCommand <br>int - exit code
- struct Color
- class Command <br>Base class for all commands.
- class CommandDispatcher
- struct Config <br>A configuration structure.
- struct Configuration
- class ConfirmModal
- class ConfirmModalStrategy
- class ConsoleCommand
- namespace Core
- namespace Builder
- class Camera <br>Camera has following outputs 0 -> screen output 1 -> proj * view matrix output 2 -> mul output.
- class Cycle
- class Data <br>Representation of the interconnection wire value (Shared piece of memory - union of all data types passed along the wire) and of the value stored in the defaultValues map (such as fovy for Perspective)
- class DataMap <br>In column-major order.
- class GraphManager <br>You must manage GraphManager lifecycle.
- struct HalfspaceSign
- class IModelProxy
- class IdGenerator
- class ManagedResource <br>Base class for objects that are the actual data managed by a ResourceManager.
- class MatrixTracker
- class Mesh <br>Mesh represents a complete 3D model.
- struct Material <br>Data class holding basic material information.
- struct MeshPart <br>Individual part of the bigger mesh containing separate geometry, material and textures.
- struct TextureSet <br>A set of textures for multi-mapping.
- class Model
- class ModelResourceFiles <br>A set a of 3D file format files located somewhere in the filesystem.
- class Node <br>Base class interface for all boxes.
- struct Operation <br>Description of each graph node (operation enum, default label, input and output pin names and types)
- class Operator <br>Implementation of Node class.
- class Pin <br>Pin used for connecting nodes.
- class Resource <br>Object holding information about a resource.
- class ResourceFiles <br>A collection of file paths in the filesystem that are together required to load a single resource like a model.
- class ResourceManager <br>Resource manager for loading resources from the filesystem.
- struct ModelSaveEntry
- struct ResFilesCmp
- class Sequence <br>Sequence of matrices.
- class Storage <br>Structure for storing transform matrices.
- class SequenceTree
- class MatrixIterator <br>Iterator for traversing sequence tree.
- struct SetValueResult
- struct TrackingResult
- class Transform
- struct DefaultValuePair
- class TransformImpl
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::AxisAngle >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::EulerX >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::EulerY >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::EulerZ >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Free >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Frustum >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::LookAt > <br>Same as perspective projection node, but all values are locked.
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Ortho >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Perspective >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Quat > <br>Quaternion class Quaternion represents the matrix, crated from quaternion.
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Scale >
- class TransformImpl< ETransformType::Translation >
- struct TransformInfo <br>Cannot outlive the sequence.
- struct TransformOperation <br>Extends Operation - adds properties to transform nodes.
- struct NameTypePair
- namespace DIWNE
- class Diwne <br>The node editor object In ancestor of this object you will probably store your nodes (links, pins) It store inter-object interactions Every DiwneObject has reference to this object.
- class DiwneObject <br>All objects in DIWNE are inherited from DiwneObjectDiwneObject covers the functionality common to all Objects in the node editor - such as selecting, dragging, hovering,...
- class Link
- class Node <br>graphical representation od a box in the workspace node editor
- class Pin
- struct SettingsDiwne <br>Storage of all values.
- class DescriptionDialog <br>Scene description dialog.
- namespace Detail
- struct Overloaded
- struct RandInitializer
- namespace EnumUtils
- class Environment
- struct Error
- struct Explanation
- namespace FilesystemUtils
- namespace GUI
- struct InputTextCallback_UserData
- struct GUIImage <br>A class for holding an image texture id with properties of the image.
- class HSLColor <br>Utility class for managing a HSL color.
- struct Headline
- class HideWindowCommand
- struct Hint
- namespace I3T
- class I3TApplication
- class ICommand
- class IStateful
- class ITutorialRenderer
- class IVisitable
- class IWindow <br>ImGui GUIWindow abstract class.
- class ImportedModelsDialog
- struct InputBindings
- struct ActionMapping
- struct AxisMapping
- class InputController
- struct Action
- class InputManager <br>Class handling all GLUT interaction events (mouse and keyboard) and starting the label editor.
- struct InputTask
- namespace JSON
- namespace JSONRTTR
- class Keys <br>Status of the keyboard keys and also mouse keys.
- class LoadWindowLayoutFromFileCommand
- class LoadWindowLayoutFromStringCommand
- class LogWindow
- class Logger
- struct LoggingToggle
- namespace LuaSerializer
- class MainMenuBar <br>Top menu bar.
- namespace Math <br>Approximate double comparison.
- namespace MenuBarDialogs
- class ModalWindow
- class Module
- struct MultiChoiceTask
- class NewProjectCommand
- namespace NodeDeserializer
- class NodeVisitor
- class Registry
- class RemoveModelModal
- class ScriptEditorModal
- struct ScriptError
- class ScriptingModule
- class ScriptingNode
- class SelectLayoutDialog
- class SerializationVisitor
- class SetFocusedWindowCommand
- class SetTutorialCommand
- class SetTutorialStepCommand
- class SetupDialog
- class Singleton <br>Singleton.
- class StartWindow
- namespace State
- class Scene
- class StateManager <br>Handles app state management.
- namespace String
- namespace SystemDialogs <br>A bunch of system dialogs.
- struct Task
- class TestModule
- struct TestQuestion
- class Theme <br>Global color scheme.
- struct ThemeGroup
- struct ThemeVariable
- namespace TimeUtils
- class Timer
- class ToScriptVisitor
- class Tutorial
- struct TutorialElement
- struct TutorialHeader
- class TutorialLoader
- class TutorialManager
- struct TutorialStep
- class TutorialWindow
- namespace UI
- class Console <br>The stdout is redirected to the console.
- class StyleEditor
- class ViewportWindow
- class UIModule
- struct UserData <br>This struct is reflected by RTTR.
- namespace Utils
- namespace Vp
- class AbstractCamera <br>Abstract camera base class.
- class AbstractOrbitCamera <br>Abstract camera that turns around a point (pivot) at a certain distance (radius).
- class AggregateCamera <br>Camera with multiple modes that it can seamlessly switch between.
- class BoxBlurShader <br>Two pass box blur with alpha support.
- struct CameraSettings
- class ColorAttachment <br>Color attachment using a 2D Texture.
- class ColorShader <br>Basic shader to display unlit colored primitives.
- class ColoredObject
- class DepthAttachment <br>Depth attachment using a Renderbuffer.
- class DisplayOptions <br>Various viewport display settings.
- class Entity <br>A scene entity base class.
- class Framebuffer <br>A utility class for managing an OpenGL FrameBufferObject.
- class FrustumObject
- class FrustumShader <br>Shader for displaying projection frustums.
- class GameObject <br>Regular world object entity.
- namespace GfxUtils
- struct GlobalCameraSettings
- struct GridSettings
- class GridShader <br>Shader for the infinite grid.
- struct HighlightSettings
- class Light
- class Lighting <br>Class that manages passing of light information to shaders.
- class MainScene
- struct MainSceneSettings
- class Manipulators
- class Manipulator
- class ObjectShader
- class OrbitCamera <br>Camera turning around a point using an azimuth and elevation angle.
- class PhongShader <br>Shader for lit objects with textures.
- class PointLight
- class PreviewScene
- class RenderOptions <br>Options specifying how a scene should be rendered.
- class Scene <br>A scene representing a "game world" that contains entities and is viewed by a camera.
- class SceneCamera <br>Viewport entity representing a Camera node in Core/GUI.
- class SceneModel <br>Viewport entity representing a Model node in Core/GUI.
- class SceneRenderTarget <br>A set of framebuffers and their settings into which a Scene can draw.
- class ScreenOverlayShader
- class SelectStencil
- class SelectionCompositeShader
- class Shader <br>Base class for shaders.
- class Shaders
- class Shaper <br>A utility class for constructing simple shapes.
- class SpotLight
- class SunLight
- class TexturedObject
- class Trackball <br>Static utility class for trackball interaction.
- class TrackballCamera <br>Camera turning around a point using a virtual screen-space trackball.
- class Viewport <br>Scene viewport class.
- struct ViewportGlobalSettings <br>Global viewport settings, some used only for initialisation, some used during runtime.
- struct ViewportSceneSettings
- struct ViewportSettings <br>A collection of viewport settings.
- class WBOITCompositeShader
- class WorldShader <br>Abstract shader that provides PVM matrices uniforms.
- class Window
- class WindowManager <br>Application window manager.
- namespace Workspace <br>GUI nodes.
- class AngleAxisToQuatOperator
- class Camera
- class CoreInPin
- class CoreInPinMatrixMultiply
- class CoreNode
- class CoreNodeWithPins
- class CoreOutPin
- class CoreOutPinMatrixMultiply
- class CorePin
- class Cycle
- class DataOutPin
- class DataOutPinFloat
- class DataOutPinMatrix
- class DataOutPinPulse
- class DataOutPinQuat
- class DataOutPinScreen
- class DataOutPinVector3
- class DataOutPinVector4
- class DataRenderer
- class Model
- class ModelProxy
- class Node
- class Operator
- class OperatorBuilder
- class Screen
- struct ScriptInterface
- class ScriptingNode
- class Sequence
- namespace Tools
- class TransformBuilder
- class Transformation
- class TransformationBase
- class ViewportHighlightResolver <br>Manager class responsible for updating viewport model highlights based on current workspace node selection.
- class WorkspaceDiwne
- class WorkspaceCorePinProperties <br>Information of Pin for graphic.
- class WorkspaceWindow <br>Class for Workspace window object, stores everything what Workspace window need.
Updated on 2025-01-23 at 08:58:55 +0000